Friday, July 27, 2012

Feasting in Feasterville

We are still basking in the enjoyment of our whirlwind trip back East. I wrote about our two days in New York, but the focus of our trip was a wedding in Feasterville PA.

 Manhattan and Feasterville could not be more different, so it was like two separate trips. Both great, I might add.

I doubt I could or would have made this trip at all if not for the wedding. We received the save the date card months ago. Since it was  a wedding the date was not going to change and that gave me the focus and the time to consider going, make the arrangements and actually get on the plane. And I'm so glad we did!

When you attend a wedding 3000 miles from home and you don't really know anyone and still have a blast, that's a great wedding. Janine, the bride, is the daughter of Steve's client and friend Joyce. I've actually only met both Janine and Joyce once before though we've communicated on the phone and by email often and I had never met Paul, the father of the bride or Mike, the groom. Didn't matter. We were treated like family from the outset and included in lots of festivities. 

When we arrived at our hotel there was a gift basket waiting for us. It was full of cookies and treats, kleenex and sundries etc. I thought that was so sweet and figured everyone staying at the hotel received one until I saw THIS shirt for Maggie in the back of the basket and realized this was done specifically for us. Maggie loves it!

The wedding itself was beautiful. Janine and Mike have been together a long time and the love and support in both the church and the reception was palpable. They are good people who love  their families, friends, community and  each other and the joy was infectious.

Janine is a special ed teacher (I told you she was cool) and had these key chains at each place. They were made by a group of students in an  Autism class taught by her friend.  In lieu of any wedding favor, the bride and groom made donations to Autism Cares and Special Olympics.

Are you starting to see why I love these people?

I hope Janine and Mike have a wonderful life together. If even a a fraction of the love and support we witnessed at the wedding continues to surround them, they will be set. And it will because of the people they are.

1 comment:

Hi Maggie loves your comments. It may take a while for the comment to post, but you will see it eventually.