Saturday, May 5, 2012

Prom Recap

The Prom was a rousing success. The kids looked fantastic. As "Teacher Joe" said, they really didn't look like kids at all but sophisticated folks out on the town, which is exactly what they were.

Maggie was so excited before we left I had a hard time getting her dressed. And once she was dressed, the excitement only increased.

Maggie's night had two separate and distinct parts, and each was important to the entire night. I wrote a couple of weeks ago that Maggie had an actual "date" for this prom. That was a first for her. She was excited. Tyre, who is also non verbal, had his mom call to find out if Maggie would go with him and wanted to know the color of her dress so he could match and get appropriate flowers.

But it was not to be.

Tyre had to go in the hospital and could not go to the prom. I called his mom the other day and asked if Maggie could come by on her way to the prom and take pictures with him. I didn't want to make it harder or sadder for him but I wanted him to be part of the night if his mom thought it was a good idea. She thought it was a great idea and planned to get Tyre dressed in his matching outfit for the photo shoot.

We headed up to the hospital on our way to the prom. Tyre was ready and waiting, and he looked spectacular. They both did. He had flowers all ready for Maggie, which complemented her dress perfectly.

Tyre's mom and I took a ton of pictures and the kids were getting really tired of it. Maggie finally gave her "Paparazzi, Stop" pose.

With some sadness, we left Tyre behind and headed to the prom. It was at the MoAD, Museum of the African Diaspora, which was very cool. I want to go back when it's not packed with dolled up teenagers. 

Maggie and her friends hung out together and then hit the dance floor. The dance floor was packed and everyone was having a great time. The music was pulsing, to say the least. I can assure you I never heard lyrics quite like those at St. Rose Academy. 

There weren't too many of Maggie's special ed peers there, but enough that we had a good time together. Best dressed award definitely went to Chuy.
Maggie had fun with Miss Laura, who looked beautiful and with her teacher,  Mr. G.

Maggie's oldest friend Anthony was there too and he was having a great time. They have been in the same programs and classes since infancy.  By the end of the night, he and Maggie were holding hands. 

Fickle girl, that Maggie.

 All of us are a little worn out this morning, but it was a great night.


  1. Sal - MayRose would have LOVED Maggie's dress, blue + shiny! So glad she got to experience a fun, kid-crazy night!

  2. Oh, I love all of these and hearing about the night.


Hi Maggie loves your comments. It may take a while for the comment to post, but you will see it eventually.