Thursday, January 26, 2012

Morning was Broken

The title is a take off of an old Cat Stevens song, Morning Has Broken.  It was a lovely song about a lovely morning in Spring and recognizing the beauty of all of it. Well, it ain't Spring and everything I recognized today warranted a different kind of song. It was a comedy of errors this morning.

Maggie was really frantic about something and I don't know what. She was freaking out in her bed, but nothing seemed to hurt or anything. I proceeded to program her dynavox for the day and fill the oxygen tank while trying to calm her down. Nothing was helping.

She still needed to be fed but she was so upset, there was no way the food would go in. I just kept getting her ready. She ripped her diaper but there was no time to change it, so I just taped it back together. I tried to put her in her chair for but she was arching and really upset. Occasionally I called for Steve to help me. He couldn't hear me and I would just keep trying. Finally after about 10 minutes of wrestling with her I thought I was going to drop her and I REALLY YELLED and he came running. I have never had to call for help to get her in her chair before. It is disconcerting.

Time was passing and I needed to get her downstairs. I decided to feed her downstairs while we waited for the bus, but I glanced at the clock and wondered if we would have time. Just then the doorbell rang and there was Nurse Janice coming up to tell us the bus was already here. Of COURSE they were here already.

Maggie was now safely in her chair and no longer crying, but she looked completely worn out and mad. (This picture is actually from the other day, there was no time for pics today, but you never get to see her mad face.) We got into the elevator for our  S L O W ride down and I realized I hadn't combed her hair or put a scarf over her trach. And she still hadn't eaten. She was only half ready.

It is really foggy and drippy today.When we arrived in the backyard, the door to the basement was swollen shut from all the dampness and we were locked in the yard for a moment. Steve had opened the garage door and Janice could see us trying to get in the back door. She was pushing from her end and it was not moving. I told her to yell for Steve. He came down to the basement and just then I got it opened.

I handed Maggie over to Janice and grabbed a couple of scarves off the top of the dryer. I told Janice what happened and that Maggie did not get her feeding. All the while Ms. Maggie scowled at us. Janice just said "Oh my." in her very sweet way. The bus driver was great, he graciously said he was early, which he might have been, but I think he saw my face and figured I had enough for one morning.

Not sure what all that was about and I half expect a call from school today.

The bus pulled away and I had to leave immediately for my physical therapy appointment.  The therapist asked how I was doing and I told her that my bad shoulder was really getting better, but for some reason it really hurt after this morning.

I cannot imaging what's causing that.

1 comment:

Hi Maggie loves your comments. It may take a while for the comment to post, but you will see it eventually.