Thursday, March 4, 2010

Marching forward

March, which was looking so dismal for this family has a new and improved outlook. The pulmonologist called yesterday with a great gift for Maggie’s birthday. She decided that we should handle Maggie’s upcoming tests on an outpatient basis. That means Maggie will NOT be going in the hospital for 10 days after all. Of course if the tests show something, that could change, but for now WHOO HOO!!! That was excellent news! .

It will take me a week or so yet to be able to get her to UC SF to do the tests and then I will have to bring a nurse with me. I am pretty helpless with this shoulder. It is only 48 hours since surgery, so that has to be expected. The dressing came off this morning. I have three small incision sites which are looking good. I’m moving it as much as I can, and that will be much easier now with that giant taped dressing off.

I have already cut way down on the pain meds and hope to be down to Tylenol by the weekend. We will see. This Percocet is strong. I keep passing out in the chair and have zero ability to concentrate on anything. I took about 1/3 of a pill this morning after going all night without one, so I am getting there. I may even try to read a book today. (Lofty goals, I know) If the pain starts to escalate, I will take another1/3. I am sure the lack of concentration is due to the meds. I sat in a chair yesterday hooked up to the ice machine and stared into space. I did not even really watch television – but I had HGTV on all day. Now I can decorate and stage my house like nobody’s business.

The poor dog does not know what to make of all these changes. When I got out of bed Tuesday I was all bandaged up and in a sling – but my arm was not in the sleeve. Brisco just looked at my empty sleeve with a panicked look as if to say, “What Happened? Should I tell her that her arm is missing” He was very attentive and sweet. Today my nephew is coming to take him for a long walk, which he has not had in a few days now.

The nurse just called from school. Maggie is insisteng that she’s sick and needs to come home, but there’s nothing wrong. I talked to her and said to stay there and partidipate in the Day of Action protesting all the education cuts. Poor Maggie just knows that her routine is upset and things are out of whack. She assumes she must be sick. This just throws her for a loop

I like the doctor that did the surgery, but his PA (physician’s assistant) leaves something to be desired. He was the one who I had to argue with the get the MRI, and then when I got it surgery was indicated. He called yesterday to check up on me and said, “This was really no big deal.” Ok. I am sure folks have far more serious surgeries and they deal with more serious injuries, but I do not think it is helpful to tell someone 24 hours post op that it was no big deal. It was to me, buddy.And it’ is upsetting my family and my home life. I cannot lift Maggie for several weeks and that is a big deal to her, to me and to my husband with his bad back. That PA is a toad.

I did get to change clothes today and tomorrow I can shower. Now THAT will be a big deal and good for everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Now I'm caught up, glad to see that the surgery went well, sorry to hear about your pain and frustrated for you at the a-hole of a doctor who would make such a condescending remark. I'd say it was unbelievable but sadly know that it's often quite common...


    Get better soon, rest, rest, rest.


Hi Maggie loves your comments. It may take a while for the comment to post, but you will see it eventually.