Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Zoo Landing

Maggie finally had a real outing yesterday. There was no making games out of chores, running errands or any such thing. We met Nurse Janice and her twins at the zoo. Maggie and I had a great time. The twins are two and were very sweet and entertaining. When the lion was sleeping, they just yelled GET UP. To their delight, it did.

The highlight was the feeding of the grizzly bears. We just happened to arrive at the exhibit at the perfect time. I noticed a woman placing things around the very large open space in the exhibit and said, I would not want her job. (The grizzlies were in an adjoining display and could not get to this woman.) Of course, she was putting food around and the bears find it, simulating a natural experience. The visitors stand in front of a glassed in viewing area to watch. There is a large pond in the display, one side of which is against the glass. Hence, the visitors can see under the water as well as above it.

As we arrived, I heard some children delighting in the fish swimming in the pond and overheard one docent say quietly to the other, “don’t get attached to that fish, kid.” I knew what was coming. The grizzlies came running in, started bounding around the edge of the pond and then SPLASH, in she went and grabbed that fish in her mouth. It was something to see. My adrenaline was pumping, but the kids seemed unfazed by the whole thing. They had their noses pressed up against the glass. The grizzlies were so focused on their food, nothing else mattered. It rather reminded me of dinner at our house when the boys were young teenagers.

Maggie loved it. She was cracking up the whole time. The footplate fell off her wheelchair somewhere around the penguins and she thought that was hilarious. The kids at the zoo were ignoring the animals and staring at Maggie. She did not care and neither did I. Their mothers did. I kept seeing moms scolding their kids after we walked away. I just leaned down and said to Maggie “Ooooh. He’s in truuuuuubbble.” We laughed our heads off.

All this fun was at a bargain price to boot. I think the price of the zoo was $25.50, $12 for me and $5.50 for Maggie (more if you are not a resident of San Francisco). In addition, there was an $8 parking fee. I gave the woman my credit card and she said, “Are you sure you want to charge it, it’s only $5.50.” Perplexed I said, “$5.50 TOTAL?” “Yes. She needs a companion/caregiver and there’s no charge for you and parking is free for the disabled.” Say whaaaa? Deal of the century, I do not mind telling you. I said, “Mag, I just hang out with you and stuff happens for me.”

She grinned – but I think she wants the extra $20.

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